Documentary Photography Topic

I want to voice the absence of tranquility. I could snap photos in both serene and bustling environments. I’m debating whether to use a photo of a busy area and compare it with a photo of a solitary animal or someone taking in the silence.When people look at the serene images, I want them to feel at ease, and when they look at the crammed and congested images, they should feel negative and chaotic when comparing the two.

Dorthea Lange Writing

Documentary photography that aims to bring attention to current social issues is known as social documentary. It might also refer to a socially conscious branch of photography that focuses on capturing the lives of those who are less fortunate.

Capturing the world through photography with an emphasis on social issues and/or the environment is known as social documentary photography or concerned photography. It’s a type of documentary photography meant to bring current social issues to the public’s notice.

The method of focusing purpose on the humanity and emotional needs of individuals in intricate and nuanced settings while still maintaining the integrity of the photographic output is known as compassion photography.


I learned about Dorthea’s focus on all the terrible daily events that took place in everyday life for most during the hardest times of the Great Depression and putting emphasis on the photos presenting true feelings in the viewers and the best angles to inflict those feelings.